Aurora's Room
Kips Bay Decorator's Showhouse
"I’ll never forget… how my daughter dressed up as The Lilac Fairy for her third birthday party. Watching her fall into character the moment the music began to play, as she tiptoed over with a neon orange, plastic present in her arms."
Zoya Bograd, ASID

t was truly an enchanting sight. Earlier that year I took her to see the Kirov Ballet production of The Sleeping Beauty. The classic tale had always been one of my favorites, and it became even more special to me as I watched my child’s face light up in excitement in the face of such a spectacle. To this day, several decades later, the story itself has come to serve as a memorable bond within our relationship.

n the first act of the ballet… the King Florestan XXIV and his queen invite all the fairies of the land to their palace for their newborn’s christening. They wished for the good fairies to become godmothers to the baby Aurora. As the fairies arrived and began to bestow the gifts of their virtue upon the young princess, the wicked fairy Carabosse interrupted the ceremony.Angry that she had been left off the invitation list, Carabosse cursed Aurora, promising that one day, when she will turn 16 year of age, she would prick her finger and perish.

lthough the curse… was considered unbreakable, the Lilac Fairy was able to use her magic to make Aurora and the whole kingdom to fall for a long slumber that could only be revoked with a prince’s kiss. Aurora’s awakening by Florimund a hundred years later is followed by their spectacular marriage.The focal point of the room is the Princess Crib, from my signature ZoyaB collection. I designed the piece in a Gustavian style with luxurious tufted, upholstered headboards. It can also be made into a toddler bed by removing the railings. As a final touch I personally bedazzled over 500 Swarovski crystals throughout the walls of the space, to truly solidify an experience of harmonious grace.